BASH006 comes courtesy of Brendon Moeller. One-third of BM/CC/CW, the collaborative project between Brendon, Clay, and Certain Creatures, Brendon is a prolific producer of various excursions across the electronic spectrum. Under such guises as the Echologist and Beat Pharmacy, his intricate dub techno tracks have been released on a variety of labels over the last 20 years, such as Francois K's Deep Space and Prologue.
As the return to our Bangers & Ash series, we are honored to welcome Brendon to the SUS family. The first five BASH records debuted and featured such talent as Clay Wilson, Certain Creatures, and Best Available Technology, for the next five, we're asking our favorite veterans of the NYC landscape to join our crew.
"Composing for Bangers & Ash was an opportunity to challenge myself and step out of character...listening to the SUS catalog, I would have the freedom to go deep and crazy and for that, I am thankful."
Brendon crafted two Ash-side explorations of cryogenically frozen ambiance, paired with two torque-laden techno tracks on the Bangers side. All four songs were written to capture the many moods and approaches Brendon takes as an ever-evolving electronic musician.
BASH006 will be available at all good record shops on Feb 24th, 2015. All vinyl comes pressed in lava-coated red